Little Valley Speedway is proud to have the sponsors
listed below participate in our 2017 racing season!
If you would like to become a sponsor, we are
offering you the opportunity to put your organization in front
of thousands of racing fans by putting forth this proposal to
We would like you to be a Sign Sponsor of the Little Valley

Under this program we would:
Place a 4’ x 8’ track sign to be viewed by
(Like the ones pictured above)
1/2 page ad in the Speedway program.
Grandstand promotion on all nights of
Promotional items of your choice may be
given away on any race night.
Sponsors now get 10 general admission
tickets per season!!!
This Sponsorship package is worth $500.00 the
first year,
$400.00 each year after.
We Thank You for your interest in the Little Valley Speedway.